19-jan-2001 Start of this file. Forward Software version 1.26 beta. 1. Check problem with reading AVIs by Premiere created by FrwClip. Problem due to BUG in Premiere. 2. FrwOnAir 2.0.1 -- new design, start time, block duration 3. FrwOnAir 2.0.1 -- Unpress "Pause script" button now continues execution. 4. FrwRoll -- save live video in bank B & show loop number + stop & restart playback by GPI 5. Optimize all V4W Codecs: FRWD, FRWT, FRWU, SLDV ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 03-Mar-2001 Release 1.26 1. FrwOnAir 2.0.2 -- Added customizable file pages 2. FrwRoll 1.26a -- Fix blinking dot at bottom right corner of images 3. Correct BUG with trnsparency in FRWT Codec. 4. Some misceleneous BUGs corrected. 5. Add VTR Emulator to Installer 04-Apr-2001 Beta 1.27 FrwOnAir 2.1.0 Better interface for customizing file pages Mode switching refactored Smooth transitions when no logotype Animated logotype with sound TML scripts for sound and animated logotype Highlight indication of current video-through/default pictures 48-hours time scale Launch files without waiting Can use AVI/TML with transparenty as transition Customisable log-book Error indication in loaded scripts Corrected iteraction with FrwRoll Forward Server Add GPI Support to Forward Server Add DV playback to Forward Server ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 25-jun-2001 Beta 1.28 FrwRoll.exe Add 'beep' at normal stop playback FrwCapture 1.3.4 Corrected bug on square pixel Forward boards FrwOnAir 2.1.6 Many improvements of interface and capabilities Auxilary audio input added Some bugs fixed English Help added Russian Help added Correctly restores splitter position for scaled/mazimized windows, titling disabled by default. Now works with "IAVS" files (DV AVI). Added trackbar to set crossfade duration for default pictures/input video buttons. FrwClip 3.07 Make only one version (not Korean) Common + FrwPlayServer Fix bug for write not aligned audio chunks. Fix bug for DV AVI format reading. forward.sys, forward2.sys, forward.vxd Add support for GPIs on COM3, COM4 25-jul-2001 Beta 128.2 FrwCapture 1.3.5 -- Stops capture on Forward failure (no frames for 5 seconds) FrwCapture 1.3.6 -- Added setting size of file write block then troubleshooting FrwOnAir 2.1.7 -- Now supports 8 GPI events FrwOnAir 2.1.8 -- fixed bug when switching from JPEG to video forward.sys, forward2.sys, forward.vxd Fixed few little BUGs. Improved capture stability of JPEG in Full Screan. Fix problem with I2C and CPU more than 1GGz. Common + FrwPlayServer Fix bug for playback DV and not 44k/stereo audio FrwTitle 1.04 - add pause position for roll/crawl ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18-dec-2002 Release 1.40 Codecs Improve speed FrwCapture 1.4.4 Capture secuence of standard/extended AVI files without "correcting" phase Fixed foolish bug when capturing "left" or "right" audio channel Corrected capture of Highcolor format, Added capture of "Old YUV" format (compatible with FrwGrab). Fixed overwrite of existing files when increment names. English and Russian help updated FrwOnAir 2.2.9 Fixed bug with durations when loading script Fixed bug with crossfade after animated logotype or titles Fixed bug with horizontal shift of script window Added button to lock starting line in a view optionally Allows editing on a whole script range, independently of execution English and Russian Help updated Added support for GPI out signals Sync with external LTC timecode Added panel for custom commands Added option to show video input 1 on start Added ability to specify folder for log file Log file is available during program execution Logs from multiple starts for day now accumulates in one file Fixed bug with block start time, when open script. Now can play 768x576 movies with alpha on 720x576 boards. Added second script window Dont't alter state of audio mixer on start, preserve default logotype Corrected view of long file names in file pages Added option to clear logotype/titles when switch script Added ability auto-add LogoOff command after animated logotype English and Russian Helps updated Added option to unpause script, when setting start to Wait Time command Corrected showing of logo pictures secuence Added check that AVI file has correct length when added to script Added script commands to turn auxilare sound On/Off Added script command to wait finish of all simultaneously playing items When save/restore scripts to same/upper folder, files paths become relative Kernel Drivers Corrected problems with genlock and color fase synchronization ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24-dec-2002 Release 1.41 FrwOnAir 2.2.10 + Common + FrwPlayServer Fix bug with still picture & logo playback (increase performance) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24-feb-2004 Beta 1.42 FrwPlayServer + Common Fix bug with Adobe Premier 7.0 AVI-files Codecs Small updates for Pentium4