---------- 5.8.0 ( 5.7.0 ) 29.09.2017 ---------- ===== General (+) FD300 boards are no more supported in the software, and the software can't be unstalled on Windows XP. (+) Added new "Forward TM" product for playing delayed signal without possibilities of AD insertion and title (CG) overlay. (+) Now the software installer is one for all products, you must select needed product by name during installation. (+) Software installer automatically adds exception rule to the Windows Firewall settings to make possible broadcasting servers working in mirroring mode. (+) Add possibility of configuring additional virtual inputs for boards from title layers as image source. (+) Added checking presence of KB3033929 or KB3035131 system updates when installing the software under Windows 7 32/64 SP1 or Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1. These updates are needed for correńt support of digitally signed program components. If these updates are absent in the system, you must install them before installing this software. (+) Added possibility of working with Closed caption in ATSC (only for English language). #### FD422 board (+) Added mode with different signals on board outputs: HD-SDI+SD-SDI. In this mode it is recommended to disable board inputs to increase bandwith for data flows on PCI Express bus. (+) Added support of transferring teletext data in HD modes. (!) Fixed problem of random shifting of audio channels when genlock (synchronization) to one of inputs is turned on. (!) Fixed audio distortion on board inputs in different cases. ====== ForwardT Software #### FDOnAir2 ***New*** (+) 64-bit version of FDOnAir application, by functionality the same as previous FDOnAir application, but with new features added: - Works as 64-bit application under 64-bit OS. It removes limitations on the use of RAM, which is extremely important when working with HD and 4Ę resolutions. - Added possibility of restoring broadcast from specified time. - Added commands for SCTE35 marks generation. - Added possibility of setting image from file for 'Default image' buttons (F1, F2) and input buttons (F3, F4, F5, ~F3, ~F4, ~F5). - It is possible to show file page headers (tabs) not only on top, but also on the side (it's convenient with a large number of tabs). - Now in the schedule file icons are shown with all attributes, e.g. "normalized audio" or "without audio". - Disabled work with "old-style" titles (no more supported). - Added new command line parameters for controlling program work: retitle – reload title project; restart – restart the program and continue schedule execution; close – stop program work. ===== FDOnAir and related applications #### FDOnAir (+) Added possibility of adding TV program description to program guide with the use of new parameter in SLIni file. Added "Program name from SLIni file" option to program guide settings. (+) In the settings window "Default command parameters" new fields were added for entering input names. (+) Added triggering of WatchDog device if signal on used board input is lost. (+) Increased maximal number of CPU cores available to be used by the application up to 32. (+) In the settings window "Video files preparation" new parameter was added: "Restart preparation if load time is more than ... seconds", with 30 seconds as default value. (+) Added possibility of reserving board input with other input of the same board. (+) Now video files on file pages of FDOnAir that have audio level corrected in SLIni file are shown with 'N' letter in upper left corner of file icon. (+) Added possibility of adding comments to pause commands in schedule. (+) Added support of playing multiple audio tracks containing inside video file. (+) If FDOnAir wasn't running at specified time of schedule to be auto-loaded, and FDOnAir is launched later with /restore option in command line, the program automatically finds and loads auto-load schedule that is nearest by launch time, and executes schedule command that corresponds to launch time. (+) Now for separate WAV audio files (that are placed in the same folder as video files with the same file name), their own additional .WAV.SLIni files are created and used. (+) Increased time range for writing program guide, up to 999 hours ("time after" parameter in "Program guide" settings window). (+) Now .MOV, .QT, .MQV files are decoded via FFMPEG by default. (!) Added automatical detection of compression format in DV files with 'DVSD' FourCC code, but DV25 video compression inside - now such files are played correctly. (!) Fixed problem with stopping sequencial displaying title objects configured in FDOnAir when task for title element is absent. (!) Fixed problem with displaying many messages when the program wasn't launched with full administrative rights, caused by absence of rights for writing log file to disk. (!) Fixed problem with losing synchronization between video and audio during RPM clips playback. (!) Fixed program hang up when trying to play corrupted AVI file with incorrectly detected duration. (!) Fixed problem when file replacements in schedule were lost after closing and restarting the program with /restore option in command line. (!) Fixed problem when comments specified in command fields weren't written to program guide, only comments from separate lines (//) were written. (!) Fixed problem when file with warning about difference between duration in schedule and real file duration wasn't played (skipped as an invalid file). (!) Fixed problem when SLBlock file was displayed with an error sign on file page, if there are some MP4, MXF or 3GP files in the same folder. (!) Fixed problem with invalid duration of SLBlock in the schedule with "random clip playback from the folder" rule. (!) Fixed situation when microphone wasn't turned on (F6) if FDOnAir was launched with /restore option in command line, while microphone was turned on before during previous session of work with the program. (!) Fixed situation when WatchDog wasn't switched to working state if FDOnAir was launched with /restore option in command line, and displaying pass-through video from some board input to board output on program launch is turned on in the settings. (!) Fixed invalid writing of film/program rating tag to program guide in XMLTV format. #### FDConfig2 (+) Added possibility of applying some product licenses without restarting the computer. (+) Added possibility of delaying audio on board output from -80 to 250 milliseconds. Delay values from -80 to 0 mean that video is delayed, this is available only if hardware mixing on board is disabled. (+) Now accuracy of setting audio volume is 1 dB. (+) Added "Show warning about wrong inputs" option in virtual inputs configuration window. This allows to disable messages about non-working virtual inputs of the board. (+) Added warning about temporary license expiration date/time. (+) Added settings of SCTE 104/35 marks generation. (+) Added "Copy Output #1 to Output #2" option for FD422 board when working in modes "ASI in/out", "Mixed(ASI/SDI)". (!) Fixed problem when selected teletext language was reset to English after restarting the service. #### FDCapture (+) Added possibility of capturing video to files in MXF format. (+) Added possibility of capturing files with 4K resolution. #### FDPreview (+) Added "Y/C Waveform" command to "Image" submenu to show diagnostic image with luminance distribution statistics for current frame. #### FDPlayer4VJ ***New*** (+) Added new application for playing video clips. #### SLYandexWeatherDesigner ***New*** (+) Added new application: task editor for displaying weather informers of Yandex.Weather service via QML title element. #### SLVGARender ***New*** (+) Added components for playing materials using graphic adapter resources. #### SLEngSettings (+) Added possibility of adding applications to "white list" for working with DirectShow Capture sources. #### SLLogListenerConfig (+) Added button for sending test message. (!) Fixed non-sending messages written in non-latin letters. #### SLSlideShow (+) Added possibility of adding files from folders to lists in the program via drag-n-drop. #### SLPlaybackReport (+) Added possibility of including within report only materials played in specified FDOnAir application instance. ====== Programs for preparing broadcast #### SLSMSMonitor ***New*** (+) Added new application for organization of SMS chat via GSM modem. #### SLIUPlayer ***New*** (+) Added new application for simultaneous work with several s4i projects created in FDImageUpdater application. #### SLIniEditor ***New*** (+) Added new application for editing parameters (stored in SLIni file) of playing video files in FDOnAir. #### CopyDR (+) Added new option "Delete subfolders" in the folder settings. (!) Fixed problem when the program deleted all files in destination folder when server with source files is restarted. #### SLBlockEditor (!) Fixed problem when file list wasn't saved. (!) Fixed problem of playing the same file when "Random playback of files from folder" rule was selected. #### TrimEditor (+) Added "Loudness Meter" indicator for measuring audio loudness level using EBU-R128 and ITU-BS1770 standards, added page to "Settings" window with settings of this indicator. The "Scan" button allows to analyze audio loudness in video clip or selected part, with possibility of settings correction value (to -23 LUFS level) to SLIni playback settings file. (+) Added possibility of changing vertical scale of audio waveform for more convenient work. (+) Added possibility of displaying video image in the same format and aspect ratio as on output playback device (board). Also added possibility to set "Width", "Height", "Aspect ratio" and "Frame rate" parameters of target screen in the settings. (+) Added displaying planned time of playback video on air to frame preview image for trimmed part of video clip. (!) Fixed too high CPU loading when scanning audio - now video isn't decoded during this process. #### FDMPEGIndexer/SLAutoMPEGIndexer (!) Fixed problem with indexing clips exported from PostPlay storages. #### SLAudioNormalizer (+) Added fields for setting target audio levels for each audio normalization method. (+) Now audio in separate WAV files can be normalized too. (+) Added periodical checking of size and modification date/time of files being processed, as well as method used to normalize audio data of the file. If one of these parameters was changed, file is re-scanned and normalized again. Added "Scanning interval" parameter (in minutes), removed "Created SLIni file on errors" and "Check size and date/time of media file" options in the program settings. If files with the same name but different extensions (e.g. AVI and MPG) are detected, normalization of such files isn't implemented, and warning message about is added to log file. (+) Added button "Process error again" for re-scanning only files that were normalized with error after first scan. (!) Fixed invalid normalization of first media file in list when RMS normalization method is used. #### SLCodecConfig (+) Added "Autodetect format" option to settings of DV (SLDV, DVSD) and DV25 (SL25, DVCPRO) video codecs. #### SLLoudnessMMeter (+) Added indication of pause state ("Paused") if program work is stopped. (+) Added "Always on Top" option allowing to keep program window always over other windows in the system. (+) Added possibility of recording log file with detected levels of audio loudness and LRA values, by default is saved to common data folder: \SoftLab-NSK\Data (+) Now warning message is displayed if previously selected audio device isn't found after program restart. #### SLClockDesigner (+) Added "Show leading zero" to date displaying settings. ====== Titling system (+) Added new text formatting tags , , , allowing to display text with only capital or only lowercase letters. (+) Added "Show Celsius degrees sign" option to SLWeatherTracker application allowing to enable/disable displaying Celsius degrees sign. (+) Added possibility of using substitution file to SLWeatherTracker application for automatical words or character sequences replacement. (+) Added possibility of getting weather information for large number of cities in one request from www.yandex.ru website via Yandex API in SLWeatherTracker application. (+) Added possibility of wrapping words using "\n" tag in FDImageUpdater application in tasks of Date/Time type. (+) Added Profitt PMM-5010 device support for receiving and collecting weather data. (+) Added "Separator animation" property to tasks prepared in SLClockDesigner application for "Clock2" title element. It allows to turn on/off flashing of separator between minutes and seconds. (+) Added possibility of creation titling projects with 4K UHD resolution. (!) Fixed problem when number of digits (4 or 2) in format of "Year" wasn't saved in SLClockDesigner project settings. (!) Fixed problem when SLBlock file added to FDOnAir schedule as task for MovieList title element under 64-bit OS was displayed with error in schedule. (!) Fixed problem when time displayed in task of FDImageUpdater program wasn't changed during short time intervals. (!) Fixed problem when "+" sign wasn't displayed before positive temperature values when displaying weather data obtained from www.gismeteo.ru website if "Show units" was turned off. (!) Fixed problem of displaying message about script execution error when working with SLWebTracker application getting data from some websites. (!) Fixed problem in SLWebTracker application when weather data received from some websites stopped refreshing after long time of work. (!) Fixed problem when data from Elemer IRT 5920 temperature sensor wasn't obtained. (!) Fixed problem of receiving data from TUNDRA temperature sensor via COM port - added possibility of setting COM port speed in WeatherStationPluginConfig application. (!) Fixed problem when DIP sensor wasn't available in tasks of FDImageUpdater program under 64-bit OS. (!) Fixed problem when StreamTPH sensor from StreamLabs company wasn't available in tasks of FDImageUpdater program under 64-bit OS. (!) Fixed problem in MovieList title element when pauses in block were ignored. (!) Fixed problem of not using audio crossfades when switching playback from video clip in schedule to video clip in title object. ====== SLPostPlay (signal delay system) #### SLPostPlay ***New*** (+) A new system for delaying signal was developed, with higher stability and much faster restoring after emergency restart - less than a minute for any capacity of used storages. - runs as 64-bit process under 64-bit OS, allowing to use any amount of RAM installed in the system. - optimized system resources usage. - maximal capacity of storages is limited only by total volume of hard disks installed in the system. - faster export of video files from storages. - increased maximal number of audio languages in storages (currently up to 8). Functionality of new SLPostPlay system is the same as old RPMServer (including optimizations above), but previous system's storages aren't available in new system, and new storages aren't available in old system. For working in storages, it is required to recreate them in new system. Compatibility rules between storages of old RPMServer and new SLPostPlay system are: - FDOnAir application doesn't support new storages of SLPostPlay. - FDOnAir2 application supports both old RPMServer server (RPM storages) and new SLPostPlay storages. - in FDPostPlayCapture application storages of previous system can be available after changing 'Enabled' parameter in the registry key: [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\SoftLab-NSK\PostPlay2] to zero value and restarting the application. To use new SLPostPlay storages, change this parameter to 1 value. The software installer, starting from version 5.8.0, sets this parameter to 1 and turns on usage of new SLPostPlay system by default. ATTENTION! Before installing version 5.8.0, you must delete all existing RPM storages! In new software version they won't be available, but will continue to take place on disks if you don't delete them. - for viewing storages content, creating clips and exporting video files from storages a new FDPostPlayPreview2 application was developed. For viewing old RPM storages a previous version of the application can be launched from the folder C:\Program Files\ForwardT Software\PostPlay\FDPostPlayPreview (+) Added support of 32-bit (float) audio data in storages. #### PostPlayIndicator (+) Added support of new SLPostPlay signal delay system. (+) When working with new SLPostPlay system, SLPostPlay Configuration window (called from local meny by command Advanced/SLPostPlay Configuration) contains settings of new SLPostPlay server. (+) When working with new SLPostPlay system, local menu Advanced/SLPostPlay contains 'Events' command. It shows a window where events log of new SLPostPlay server can be viewed. #### FDPostPlayCapture (+) Added support of new SLPostPlay signal delay system. (+) When working with new SLPostPlay system, information about storage is shown in tooltip over storage name in Clear/Delete storage windows. (+) Added support of recording 32-bit (float) audio data into storages when working with new SLPostPlay system. (+) Added possibility of starting/stopping capture by external GPI signals. (+) Added possibility of automatical restarting capture to avoid time desync between data in storages and system time - added option "Restart capture every day". (+) Added possibility of recording up to 8 audio languages into storages (different audio tracks). (+) Added possibility of recording teletext/subtitles data into storages. (+) Added possibility of recording information about SCTE104 marks into storages. (+) Added possibility of recording video files in MXF format (with MPEG2 I-frames video). In case when multiple audio languages are used on the board, it is possible to record multi-channel audio to MXF files. (+) In case of signal loss in board input, "corrupted frame" flag is written to storage together with video frames. It is needed for correct work FDTimeShift application. (+) Extended information written to SLLog files about some events. (!) Fixed problems when recording multi-language audio into storages. (!) Fixed problems when recording multi-language audio into separate WAV files. #### FDTimeShift (+) Added support of new SLPostPlay signal delay system. (+) Added possibility of using additional backup storage. In case of signal loss or data corruption in the main storage, playback switches to secondary backup storage. (+) Added possibility of restart the application from command line. (+) Added option "Show on start" - turning it off allows to postpone immediate playback of delayed signal on the board output on program start. (!) Fixed losing synchronization problem between video and audio sometimes encountered during playback. (!) Fixed invalid field order when playing data from storage with SoftLab-NSK Forward JPEG video compression format. (!) Fixed problem when application stopped working if delay time over one hour was used. #### FDPostPlayPreview (+) Added support of new SLPostPlay signal delay system. (+) Added support of up to 8 audio languages of multichannel audio. (+) Added support of 32-bit (float) audio data in storages. (+) Added possibility of changing vertical scale up to 16x (+24 dB) for viewing audio waveform. (+) Added windows "Storage/data stream information", "Frame information". (+) Added possibility of exporting video files from command line. (+) Added possibility of setting audio volume for separate clips. (+) Frames marked with "Corrupted frame" when capturing to storage, are shown with "Corrupted frame" status in the video preview window. New commands were added to "Move" menu: "Previous corrupted frame bound", "Next corrupted frame bound". (+) Added possibility of exporting selected video clips to files of MXF format (with MPEG2 I-frames video compression), with single or multiple audio tracks (for storages with multi-language audio). (+) Added possibility of exporting selected video clips to files of mp4 format. (+) If some error was encountered during video files export (for example, out of space on output disk), error message contains description of error cause. (+) Added possibility of viewing current frame in a separate window that can be maximized to entire screen - can be turned of in "View" menu with "Separate preview window" command. (+) Added tooltip over column headers in the clips list. (!) When using menu commands "Move - Previous/Next clip bound", clip list can be auto-scrolled when needed. (!) Fixed problem with importing information about clips to storage from CSV file when number of clips is over 2000. (!) Improved procedure of importing information about clips to storage from CSV file: empty lines are ignored, and difference between ":" and "." symbols is ignored too when importing information about time values. (!) Fixed slow-down of program work when storage contains many data sections. #### PostPlayStorageConfig (+) Added support of new SLPostPlay signal delay system. ====== Forward TS ===== SLStreamerPro / SLStreamerLite (+) Added suppport of encoding types/formats: HEVC, HEVC_NVIDIA (NVIDIA CUDA), Intel QSV (HEVC, MPEG2, AVC, AAC). (+) Added possibility of working with SAP (Session Announcement Protocol). (+) Added possibility of setting TOS (Type of Service) parameter for multicast stream. (+) Added possibility of receiving adaptive HLS streams when playlist contains several links inside. (+) Added possibility of receiving live streams from www.youtube.com broadcasts. (+) Added possibility of sending GPI signal (software or via SLControlBox device) when signal is lost - added new "WatchDog" option for input device graph node receiving UDP stream. (+) Added support of MainConcept H.264/AVC Encoder Broadcast. (+) Increased maximal number of CPU cores available to be used by the application up to 64. (!) Fixed problem with incorrect writing of TDT (time/date tables). ====== Forward Office #### FDOfficeMovie (+) Added "Clip description" field to file card in database to use it for adding information to SLIni file - it is used to add TV program description to FDOnAir schedule. (!) Fixed problem encountered when searching for a clip in database. (!) Now not only information from individual SLIni file is added to database for every video file - information from common "default.SLIni" file is added too. #### FDOfficeList (+) Added possibility of cloning schedule and blocks via clips replacement, using the "Copy today schedule to other days" button. (!) Fixed problem with invalid character encoding of text strings added to SLIni files after schedule export. (!) Fixed problem with incorrect request of index file name for files with TS extension. (!) Fixed problem encountered when viewing MPEG file from database, and when MPEG decoding is performed via FFMPEG (SLM index file is absent). (!) Fixed problem related with usage of apostrophe (') character in the "Selection by clip title" field. (!) When exporting schedule to file, it is possible to use folder with cyrillic name, and folder name can be entered as string. ====== Forward Goalkeeper/Forward Referee #### RPMStorageManager (+) Added support of new SLPostPlay signal delay system. (+) Added support of FD722 boards. (+) When working with new SLPostPlay system, and when moving game recording to archive, the program automatically shortens storage files if there is unused space in them (no data recorded at storage end). You can create storages with large capacity enough for long-time recording. When archiving, unused space in storage files will be freed, it allows to free space on disks. After archiving, the program shows message displaying amount of data size that was freed. (+) When working with new SLPostPlay system, and when moving game recording to archive, the program sets "read-only" flag to archived storages. It allows to avoid accidental data overwriting or clearing storages after restoring them from archive. (+) Increased maximal number of video recording channels in created storages up to 13 (including panoramic camera). (+) Now not only storages, but also playlist preview images are stored to archive. This significantly fastens displaying playlist window with large number of playlist items after restoring game recording from archive. (+) If FDReplayCapture program is running when "Create", "Archive" or "Restore" button is pressed, the FDReplayCapture program must be closed first. Now RPMStorageManager program can do this, if user confirms this action. (+) Right after creating storages for recording new game the program proposes to immediately start data capturing to storages in FDReplayCapture program, and starts recording it user confirms this action. (+) To display window with archive information double-click on storage name in the list can be used (previously it was available only via command from local menu on right mouse button). (!) Optimized work of window with storage information if archive contains large number of marked events (several hundred or more). #### ReplayMachine Console (working place of slow-motion replay operator) (+) Added support of new SLPostPlay signal delay system. (+) Increased maximal number of cameras (video recording channels) up to 12 (in FDReferee - up to 13 including panoramic camera). (+) Added time ruler for fast and convenient navigation through recording, with possibility of changing scale. The ruler also shows event marks, current position in recording and current playback position of slow-motion replay. (+) Added displaying information about events nearest to current position in tooltip over current time position indicator. (+) Added possibility of displaying current camera number for events in the list. (+) Added more hot keys for marking "special" events. (+) Added possibility of setting style collection (font) for time values displayed on board output. (+) Added tooltips for all fields when numeric value can be entered; tooltip shows possible range of the value. (+) Added possibility in the playlist window to play audio from selected camera for playlist elements created from marked events, and having 100% playback speed value. It is also possible to select storage to be used as audio data source when exporting video files from playlist. (+) Added possibility of exporting video files from playlist in MXF format (with MPEG2 I-frames video compression). (+) Added possibility of exporting video files from playlist in mp4 format. (+) Added possibility of exporting video files from playlist with audio data of not only 16 bits per sample, but also 24/32 bits per sample. (+) If some error was encountered during export video files from playlist (for example, out of space on output disk), error message contains description of error cause. (+) Added possibility of working with several playlists. (+) Added possibility of using cross-fades when switching from live video to slow-motion replay, back from replay to live video, and when switching from one replay to another. (+) Added possibility of starting next replay from point where previous replay is currently played. (+) Added GPI signals for selecting cameras #11/12 from external console. (+) Now it's possible to edit absolute time values of begin/end time for playlist items. (+) Now absolute time values is shown too in the playlist elements. (+) Size of additional preview window can be changed with Ctrl+mouse wheel. (+) Now playback buffer size can be set in playlist settings window. (!) Now playlist preview images are saved to disk for faster displaying of playlist window after program restart. (!) Fixed problem with incorrect aspect ratio when playing intro video file with 16:9 aspect ratio on output of board with 16:9 aspect ratio.