---------- 5.9.0 ( 5.8.0 ) 22.03.2019 ----------
===== General
(+) New boards: FD722 (http://www.softlab.tv/forward/hardware_fd722.html) and FD788 (http://www.softlab.tv/forward/hardware_fd788.html) are developed.
(+) Software can not be installed without Microsoft .Net version 4.6.1 pre-installed.
(+) Added capability of synchronizing FD722, FD788 and virtual boards to other FDExt boards (FD322, FD422, FD722, FD788) if they are installed in the same PC.
(+) Added option of synchronizing FD722, FD788 and virtual boards to NTP servers (Network Time Protocol).
(+) Added support for receiving and transmitting NDI signals, including the Fill+Key mode.
#### FD722/FD788
(+) Added capability of receiving 3G-SDI signal of B level (at first only A level was implemented).
(+) Added output of Closed caption from srt files.
(!) Fixed saving error in input settings (4:3 or 16:9 wasn't saved).
(!) Fixed sound receiving error from board working in HD mode with the SONY MCX-500 and Imagine Communication ENC1 devices.
#### FD422
(!) Fixed error of sound rattling in the HD-SDI+SD-SDI mode.
====== ForwardT Software
===== OnAir2/OnAir3 program and related applications
#### OnAir2
(+) Added possibility of writing age limit tags to TV program guide (the xmltv file).
(+) Added configurable Custom.FillType and Custom.FillAddSize to settings of SLIni file through which unused display fields (usually black and cropped via the Crop setting) can be filled by blurred image (blur).
(+) Added configurable Custom.CountryCode value to settings of SLIni file which disables writing information into the XMLTV program guide about files that are not for displaying on the Internet.
(+) Added the "Enable <+> key on numeric keypad as a hotkey for adding page item to schedule" property to settings which allows adding files to schedule from file page by clicking on the corresponding key.
(+) Added option of changing timeout length before WatchDog activation.
(+) Added the "Show warning if time compared with the expected time is less by X(and more) seconds or greater by Y(and more) seconds" and "Show warning if time compared with the previous time is less by X(and more) seconds or greater by Y(and more) seconds" settings to time properties. The settings allow to disable pop-up message about program hanging.
(+) Added the "Load file with other extension if original is absent" and "Show warning if file is loaded with other extension" settings to properties in the "Video files preparation" tab that allows use of a file with a specified name but with another extension in the schedule.
(+) Increased limit of records in TV program guide to 5000.
(+) Added audio support for MP3, OGG, FLAC, APEC playback.
(+) Added the "Use double click for Show 1st frame button" setting to properties.
(+) Added the "Do not check files above position of execution" and "Do not check files further XX hours" settings to the "Video files preparation" tab, by default XX is 24 hours.
(+) All file types except AVI files are decompressed via FFMPEG.
(+) Added new "Advanced scale (additional processor load)" setting to properties in the General tab. When the setting is enabled then a complete image is reconstructed from interlaced fields, scaled and then separated into the fields. The setting is applied only to files played via FFMPEG.
(+) Added option of hiding the launch window via the "Keep topmost" setting.
(!) Fixed communication error between control commands sent by DSC plugin and an external device (console) with COM port.
(!) Fixed error in which PostPlay storages with delayed signal from remote PC were not detected.
(!) Fixed playback of SLBlocks derived "From folder in random sequence" with "More than" or "Less than" settings when after playback of the last clip in block if: durations did not match, the last frame of clip was displayed during the rest time interval, or its playback was aborted. Now clip is played to the end and schedule moves to the next line (if the next command is not a command of start by time).
(!) Fixed loading error of title project in Windows 10 OS version 1703 and later.
(!) Fixed error when sound was not turned on at playback of title objects when OnAir worked as a foreground (title) server.
(!) Fixed error when application stopped playback after 25 days.
(!) Fixed sorting order on file pages. After sorting, filed by duration. Files with the same duration are sorted alphabetically.
(!) Fixed error when adjusting OS time caused OnAir2 time to be incorrect.
(!) Fixed error when application froze while playing looped blocks of title objects which used title scripts.
(!) Fixed error when logotype was not turned on.
(!) Fixed launching error of application in machines with 32-core processors.
(!) Fixed error when user commands (on corresponding file page) and settings of detection (the Autodetect plugin) were not imported from another OnAir2 instance.
(!) Fixed occasional time shift in schedule when using commands of simultaneous launch.
(!) Fixed error occuring at attempt to adjust file split via SplitEditor with a complex name after its saving from the FDOfficeList program.
(!) Fixed error when MOV files with PNG stream were not played.
(!) Fixed error when records were absent from played file report configured in SLAirLogConfig.
(!) Spaces, commas, semicolons and other special characters in names of title objects are rejected and replaced with underscores.
(!) Fixed incorrect field order playback of files with SoftLab-NSK elementary I-frame compression.
#### OnAir3 ***New***
Note: Includes all corrections made for OnAir2
(+) Added the "UNDO" and "REDO" buttons on the middle pane.
(+) Files in schedule(s) can be moved via cursor and added from Windows explorer and file pages, cut, copied and inserted within schedule as a single file or multiple files.
(+) Files in schedule added from file pages are marked with a color specified by the corresponding file page. The colors are saved in the .airx file only as long as the "Preserve files color when load schedule" setting is enabled in General settings.
(+) In "Default command parameters" in "Settings" it is possible to set color of text background and text name.
(+) It is possible to set color of background for comments.
(+) Number of video inputs is adjustable, up to 8.
(+) Number of microphones is adjustable, up to 4.
(+) Number of default pictures is adjustable, up to 4.
(+) Buttons commands located on the central pane can be added to a schedule via drag-and-drop.
(+) Added the capability of searching specified text on file pages. Number of matches found and position in matches list are displayed. Option of positioning is also added.
(+) Added the ability to record multiple files with TV program guides (up to 4).
(+) Windows for preview of board inputs and output are provided, with indication of absence of input signals.
(+) Added tracking mode for changes to schedule files in which it is impossible to edit the schedule itself. The mode is activated by clicking the "Disable schedule editing and track changes of executing schedule files" button next to the "First frame" button.
(+) Added functionality of sequential launch of files from schedule by operator via the "Play schedule items by one" button next to the "Pause" button.
(+) Output buffering in configuration settings is set in time parameters (seconds).
(+) Added status information in settings for schedule autoload.
(+) 12 title object buttons are available.
(+) Creation of commands for groups of title objects (Start, Stop, Abort) is moved to the "Settings" > "Title objects" > "Object groups". After being created the corresponding commands appear on the "Custom commands" page.
(+) Added background flashing when schedule line is edited.
(+) Added colored markers in the scroll bar of schedules. In the right part of the scroll bar the edit position has a green marker. In the left part of the scroll bar errors are red, the running position is blue, the "Wait operator" commands are yellow, "Next command simultaneously" is gray, "Wait particular time" command is white.
(+) Option to delete or replace any command in schedule via the "Replace or delete all inclusion of the command" dialog.
(-) OnAir3 is not compatible with RemoteOnAir.
#### SLIniExtensionsEditor ***New***
(+) Application for editing additional properties of file playback (i.e. smoking scenes warning, the "blurry fields" effect, etc.)
#### FDConfig2
(+) Added the "Enable 'pixel to pixel' preview" option in the "Service" menu that allows opening the extra "Pixel to Pixel Preview" window by double clicking.
(+) Added display of list with all available licenses in the "Service" menu.
(+) Added activation of synchronization with NTP servers (customization is executed via the "Service" button, then in settings of synchronization).
(!) Fixed error when value of sound delay for virtual boards was not saved in settings.
#### FDCapture
(+) Added capability of minimizing application window via the "Minimize to Taskbar Notification Area on close" setting in the "General (2)" tab.
(+) Added the "Split a file when changing day" option to the General (2) settings that allows storing records from different dates in different folders if the "Create folders with date of records (standard mode)" option in settings is enabled.
#### FDPreview
(+) Added the 'Show signal information' option. If it is turned on, information about signal presence/absence and format is shown over video.
(+) Added -async option in command line that enables display of asynchronous inputs of FD722 and FD788 boards.
(!) Fixed display error of 4K (UltraHD) image in the "With use of graphic accelerator" mode.
#### SLEngSettings
(+) Added option of specifying IP stream decoder: hardware (Intel or NVIDIA) or software (MainConcept) - setting 24 "Decoder in graphs".
#### SLLogListenerConfig
(!) Fixed error related to incorrect setting of time zone (GMT time) at e-mailing.
(!) Fixed message sending error when "Security level" was "none".
(!) Fixed error when not all sent messages were received.
#### SLMovieListEditor
(!) Fixed application failure during creation of subtitle pictures from SRT file.
====== Broadcast Preparation Programs
#### SLGisMeteoDesigner ***New***
(+) Developed new editor for displaying weather informers of Gismeteo service via QML title element.
#### TrimEditor
(+) Added "OnAir time position" to settings which allows placing schedule time indicator above or below.
(+) Added the "Go to position" button that activates dialog with the "Use OnAir time" option.
(+) Added option of saving information about file via the "Info" button from the "Properties" window.
(!) Fixed incorrect text displaying in Bashkir language.
#### SLAudioNormalizer
(+) Added option of excluding selected folders from processing by adding into them a file, ".NoNormalize" or ".NoNormalize.txt" or "_NoNormalize" or "_NoNormalize.txt".
====== Titling system
(+) Implemented the DirectWrite system providing the old functionality for displaying titles. The system allows further developing using new technologies.
(+) Added the "Reading order" setting for title elements used to output text (RollCrawl, Caption, SMS). The setting is used to work with languages with reading order "right to left".
(+) Added the "Use clip duration" property to the title script for displaying age limit (TSF_Age).
(+) Added the "Restart" property for the QML title element. The property determines object behavior after its re-enabling.
(+) Added capability of updating title scripts in application from title template.
(+) Added option of selecting language in which data is saved in the SLWeatherTracker application.
(+) Added the "Mask", "Mask file", "Invert mask", "Channel as mask" properties to the AnimLogo title element to display part of image according to a specified mask.
(+) Added capability of scaling preview window (Zoom list) for Video2 task editor.
(+) Added new formatting tags (..) for displaying strikethrough text in the DirectWrite mode.
(+) Added the .. text formatting tags for changing font size, .. is for selection of font N from a style list, .., .., .. is for bold, italic, underline font correspondingly.
(+) Developed the TS1_FastMovieTitles script that allows speeding up playback of movie credits at the end of a movie.
(+) Paid TS1 title scripts package is divided into two packages - TS1 and TS2. Package TS1 includes TS1_MuzClip, TS1_TVGuide, TS1_Horo, TS1_Header, TS1_DB2Text, TS1_SMSCrawl, TS1_SubTitles, TS1_AdvBoard, TS1_AdvBoard2, TS1_FastMovieTitles. Package TS2 includes TS2_Promo, TS2_Promo2, TS2_Promo3, TS2_Promo4, TS2_RollCrawlPro, TS2_RollCrawlPro2, TS2_RollCrawlPro3, TS2_AdvMixPro, TS2_InfoBar, TS2_InfoBar2, TS2_InfoBar3.
(+) Age limit by TSF_Age title script is always displaying even all titles are off.
(!) Fixed error of incorrect display of outlined graphic images.
(!) Fixed error of fading in MovieList title element.
(!) Fixed image distortion error via QML title element if fill and background colors match while non zero transparency and rounded corners.
(!) Fixed loss of weather information error via QML informers.
(!) Fixed error of saving Age=none to SLIni file with TrimEditor dialog.
(!) Fixed disappearance of a second hand in Clock2 title element at the last seconds.
====== PostPlay/Forward Goalkeeper/Forward Referee signal delay system
#### FDPostPlayIndicator (Forward ÒP/Forward Goalkeeper/Forward Referee)
(+) Added commands for starting FDOnAir2 and FDOnAir3 from program menu.
(!) Fixed display of available disks in "SLPostPlay Configuration" window.
(!) When the program is started under Administrator, the program wasn't able to start FDConfig2 from menu.
#### FDPostPlayCapture/FDReplayCapture (Forward ÒP/Forward Goalkeeper/Forward Referee)
(+) The program is now implemented as 64-bit executable that allows to use any amount of available physical memory.
(+) Now up to 32 CPU cores can be selected in the program settings.
(+) Added support of 4K (UltraHD) video capturing.
(+) Added option of creating AVC (H.264) compressed storages if any hardware accelerator (Intel QSV, NVidia) is available in the system.
(+) Enabled capturing video with different resolution/framerate in different capture lines.
(+) Added option for automated restart of capturing after an error (is off by default) e.g. after dropping or absence of frames on board input. Time interval (in minutes and seconds) can be set after which capturing must be restarted.
(+) If the program is launched with -async option from command line, asyncronous capture sources become available for inputs of FD722 and FD788 boards.
#### FDPostPlayPreview (Forward ÒÀ/ÒP /Forward Goalkeeper/Forward Referee)
(+) The program is now implemented as 64-bit executable that allows to use any amount of available physical memory.
(+) Now up to 32 CPU cores can be selected in the program settings.
(+) Added support of f 4K (UltraHD) storages.
(+) Added support of AVC (H.264) storages.
(+) Added Apple ProRes (QuickTime/MOV) format during export.
(+) Added deinterlacing option when exporting to .MP4.
(!) Exporting from storage is now faster.
#### FDReplayMachine (Forward Goalkeeper)
(+) Increased maximal number of recorded video channels (cameras) to 16.
(+) Added support of fast (Super Slow-Motion) cameras (e.g. Panasonic AK-HC5000AG).
(+) The program is now implemented as 64-bit executable that allows to use any amount of available physical memory.
(+) Now up to 32 CPU cores can be selected in the program settings.
(+) Added support of 4K (UltraHD) storages.
(+) Added support of AVC (H.264) storages.
(+) Added Apple ProRes (QuickTime/MOV) format during export.
(+) Added possibility of setting MarkOut point for events. Clips tagged with both MarkIn and MarkOut can be added to playlist with no additional editing.
(+) Added a hotkey for deleting all nonspecial events.
(+) Added option to display events by groups.
(+) Added an option to control the application with two external consoles at the same time.
(+) Added X-Keys external consoles support (www.xkeys.com).
(+) Added ShuttleXpress external console support (www.contourdesign.com).
(+) Increased number of commands executed from external consoles.
(+) Added option of displaying camera preview windows with minimal gaps between them.
(+) Added local menu over the time ruler in the main window.
(+) Added possibility of displaying event duration on the time ruler.
(+) Added option to edit event duration manually.
(+) Added option to edit playlist clip duration manually.
(+) For the ready to replay event ('+' key on numpad - 'Start Paused' command) a status line displays which event and from which camera it is to be replayed.
(+) Added display of hot keys for all local menus commands.
(+) Added tooltips over the time fields in the main window.
(+) Added deinterlacing option during export to .MP4.
(!) Fixed problem of video transitions played between replays.
(!) Fixed problems of copying one playlist to another.
#### FDReferee (Forward Referee)
Note: all new features and fixes made for FDReplayMachine program are included to FDReferee.
(+) Increased maximal number of recorded video channels (cameras) to 17.
(+) Added zoom option for previewed camera in separate window and on external monitor (via selected board output).
Zoom can also be controlled by external console.
(+) Added possibility of previewing 4 selected cameras simultaneously in separate window and on external monitor (via selected board output). Switching between multi-camera layouts can also be done by external console.
(+) Added possibility of previewing live video from selected camera in separate window and on external monitor (via selected board output).
#### RPMStorageManager (Forward Goalkeeper/Forward Referee)
(+) Increased maximal number of data streams in storages to 17 (for recording 17 cameras).
(+) Added option of creating AVC (H.264) compressed storage if any hardware accelerator (Intel QSV, NVidia) are present in the system.
(+) Added additional warnings when working storages are to be deleted to avoid accidental deletion.
(+) Added SLLog records about all user actions for easier problem cases analysis.
#### SLSBInfo (Forward Goalkeeper/Forward Referee)
(+) Added 'Compact' mode option to decrease main window size when necessary.
#### SLSportTime (Forward Referee)
(+) Added support of LEDCity score-board.
(+) Added support of DarePro (Nautronic) score-board.
(+) Added capability of receiving player penalty times for Nautronic NG-12 score-board.
(+) Added capability of receiving player penalty times for Swiss-Timing Saturn score-board.
(+) Added Apple ProRes (QuickTime/MOV) support.
(+) Added additional reports to SLLog: presence/absence and format of signal on board input selected.
(+) Added deinterlacing option during export to.MP4.
Forward TS:
===== SLStreamerPro / SLStreamerLite
(+) Added parameter "Provider name" to output program properties.
(+) Added InterlaceToProgressive2xToInterlace mode (the Video Transformation Mode) to Preprocessor and FDExtRegion properties. The mode significantly improves the scaling though needs more CPU usage.
(+) Added parameter "Streams rate smoothing" to Mutiplexer properties that keeps constant padding bitrate(smooth zero packets distribution).
(+) Added FD722/FD788 inputs/output to the list of input devices.
(!) Fixed incoming audio corruption after 2 months.
(!) Fixed error when encoded by Intel QSV HLS stream could not be retieved by Apple devices.
(!) Fixed error of regular graph restart if graph had preprocessor with crop usage.
(!) Fixed error of Intel QSV encoder when dimamic video started after long static image and encoded video got deteriorated.
(!) Increased default values of buffer and delay in FDExtRegion to 5 and 2 seconds correspondingly.
==== ForwardOffice
(+) Added option "Reset the user settings" to cancel all user changes at program start.
(!) Fixed error of incorrect duration of clip display.
#### SLMAMLink_Test ***New***
(+) Added application for customizing interaction with OnAir3.
#### FDOfficeMovie
(+) Added option "Summarized report about played clips" to the menu "Îò÷åò" that allows to generate tabular air log of broadcasted ads during specified time period.
(+) Names of ads blocks are displayed accoridng to the template.
#### FDOfficeList
(+) Added "Include name of blocks as comments into saved files airx" option to “Templates and scripts” settings.
(!) Fixed "warning about smoking scene in the clip" mark saving.
(!) Fixed error when SLIni files were lost after uploading of schedule under limited rights user.
(!) Fixed error of all schedule files unnecessary uploading during upload missing clips only.